Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mohandas Gandhis Struggl for India’s Independence Essay

Throughout his lifetime, Mohandas Gandhi with great patience struggled for the goal of India’s independence (Mohandas Gandhi. ABC-CLIO). The world widely celebrates him because of his enormous efforts towards the goal with perseverance and dedication (Wakin, Eric. â€Å"Gandhi, Mohandas K.†). Though he faced huge penalties, he did not lost perseverance but he constantly campaigned against the powerful whites (Wakin, Eric. â€Å"Gandhi, Mohandas K.†). As he strongly supported nonviolence, Gandhi campaigned to â€Å"convince the British of their injustice, and not to punish them so he could win their friendship and his people’s liberty† Social Change. Gandhis Non-Violence . Along with nonviolence, as Gandhi continuously fasted for long periods to†¦show more content†¦With the usage of nonviolent protests, Gandhi also searched the truth, which would make the oppressor realize the truth behind their mistakes and make a change. This was one of Gandhi’s most inspiring lessons, which influenced many great leaders in the world. During the course of his life, Gandhi faced many, highly challenging trials, and successfully overcame them. He faced those challenges not with violence but with nonviolence and the search for truth. When he was thrown off a first class train in South Africa, he made a radical decision about fighting for Indian immigrants’ rights (Wakin, Eric â€Å"Gandhi, Mohandas K.†). Without violence, Gandhi constantly led campaigns against unjust laws that applied to nonwhites (Mishra. Gandhi, Mohandas K.). When Gandhi was in India, he tirelessly fought for India’s independence from the whites with nonviolence (Mishra. Gandhi, Mohandas K.). As Gandhi grew older, he became highly spiritual, was engaged in search for truth, and lived a very simple life (Wakin, Eric â€Å"Gandhi, Mohandas K.†). During his stay in South Africa, Gandhi had reached a belly-of-the-whale moment, which became a turning point in his life, and made an important decision about fighting for the ri ghts of Indians (Wakin, Eric â€Å"Gandhi, Mohandas K.†). Despite several imprisonments during campaigns, he never lost hope and determination for Indians’ rights. As a representative of hope and perseverance for India’s independence, by fighting

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